Professional Diving Services
03 9775 0998
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Smarter Safer Solutions
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Professional Divers Group
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Construction and Demolition
Structure Surveys and Reporting
Pile Protection and Rehabilitation
Environmental Surveys
In-Water Ship Survey, Maintenance and Repairs
Vessel Salvage and Repair
Heritage Surveys
Contaminated Environments
Tank Inspections and cleaning
Cutting and Welding
Non-destructive Testing
Diver Controlled Dredging
Commercial In Survey Vessels for Hire
Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)
Height Safety
Confined Space
OH&S Training
Sales and Service
Queensland Bridge Inspections
Hobson’s Bay Main Sewer (HBMS) Protection Plate Project
Eden Wood Chip Mill Pile Rehabilitation Works
HMS Sirius and Kingston Jetty Norfolk Island
Station Pier Pile Repairs
Melbourne Water Eastern Treatment Plant
SL Patterson Berth, Port of Portland Maintenance Works
Bushy Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant
Salvage of the vessel Argo from the Murray River
West Channel Beacons
Lake Buffalo Condition Assessment
GMW Mildura Weir
Taronga Zoo Maintenance Contract
Fire Water Storage Tank Survey
Beacon Cove Pile Repair Works
Central Pier Pile Remediation
Windsor Bridge Archaeological Excavations
Mount Buller Water Storage Tanks Inspections
Box Hill Aquatic Centre
Cardinia & Greenvale Reservoir Gate and Valve Upgrades
Eildon Pondage Bulkhead Installation
Salvage of the vessel Julian from the Port of Portland
Balranald Weir Structural Inspections
ROV Survey of M24 Japanese Midget Submarine
Projects Archive
Coober Pedy, Dam Maintenance and Repairs
McKay Power Station Head Race Tunnel Works
Lake Eildon Debris Removal
ROV Inspection of Outfall Pipe
Origin Energy Fire Water Storage Pond Maintenance
Lower Molonglo Waste Water Treatment Facility
Methane Reactor Contaminated Diving Works
Mildura Wharf Surveys
Micronesian Chief Installation of Cofferdam Box
Patterson Lakes Tidal Gates
Patterson Lakes Underwater Survey, Monitoring and Maintenance
Underwater Inspection of Silver Emily
Repair works for the Port of Melbourne Corporation
Channel Deepening
MCG water storage tank inspection
Installation of bioWAVE Energy System
Survey of Searoad Ferries’ MV Sorrento
Tea Garden Creek Weir Refurbishment
Data Sheets
Underwater Welding
Dangers of Delta P (Differential Pressure) in Diving
Marine Borers
Accelerated Low Water Corrosion (ALWC)
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Monthly Archives: February 2017
Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Factory Contaminated Diving Works
22 Feb 2017
Professional Diving Services conducting contaminated diving works in a methane reactor completing routine maintenance and inspection works. The medium the divers are working in is 37 degrees Celsius and the consistency of cottage cheese.
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Commercial diving services